Lesley Figueroa is a fourth-year Aquatic Biology and Environmental Studies double major who came to UCSB from Port Hueneme, California. Her article about the stereolepis gigas in the Imagine Journal was inspired by her time interning for the Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory under their Spotting Giant Sea Bass Project. She continues to pursue her interest in marine ecology and conservation as a student researcher at UCSB's Caselle Lab, preparing for a PhD program concentrated in ocean conservation. As a Promise Scholar, Figueroa has received an award for Special Congressional Recognition. Eventually, she hopes to become a member of the research faculty at a university so that she can pursue her passions while encouraging underrepresented student populations to seek enriching research opportunities. Outside of her passions for marine conservation efforts and research, she dedicates personal time to baking desserts, crocheting blankets, and reading stories.
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